Along the beach of Lake Vänern in Lid­kö­ping is Väner­mu­se­et, the muse­um of the big lake, whe­re you can also learn more about the lands­cape you are cur­rent­ly visiting. 

The per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tions show how Lake Vänern was cre­a­ted and how the city of Lid­kö­ping has deve­lo­ped, as well as how the lands­cape and way of life have chang­ed with the times. You will learn more about how ships and goods were trans­por­ted from afar and about the shipwrecks on the bot­tom of the lake. The museum’s aqua­ri­ums house many of the around for­ty fish spe­ci­es that live in the lake. For the child­ren, the­re are sec­ret nooks and cran­ni­es to explo­re and inte­racti­ve exhi­bi­tions to try. During the sum­mer and school holi­days, Väner­mu­se­et orga­ni­zes acti­vi­ti­es for child­ren and grown-ups. The muse­um also hosts tem­po­ra­ry exhibitions. 


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