This area has a long and fascinating history. The landscape here has inspired many myths and has shaped and sustained the people of the region for thousands of years. These mountains form the only ecopark in West Sweden, which covers just over 6700 hectares and includes unique and biologically valuable woodland environments. An ecopark is a designation that the state forestry company Sveaskog gives to a few of its forest areas. Parts of the mountains are protected as nature reserves.
A good starting point for hiking on Hunneberg is the Royal Hunt Museum – Älgens Berg, at Bergagården. Here you will find maps, guides, fishing permits and other useful information about the mountains. There is also a well-stocked souvenir shop. The Bergagården off-road trails at Hunneberg are 2.5, 5 and 10 kilometres, and there is 2.5‑kilometre-long illuminated trail. There is also a nature trail that is accessible by wheelchairs. In winter there is access to a prepared cross-country ski trail. Guided tours are organised on Halleberg and Hunneberg every summer.