Mountains of a dif­fe­rent kind

The tab­le mountains that rise out of the Swe­dish Väst­gö­ta plain are per­haps not that high or mighty. But they are burs­ting with exci­ting sto­ri­es about the deve­lop­ment of pla­net Earth, the spre­ad of humans in the area and the histo­ry of the country Sweden.

The tab­le mountain area

The vari­ed lands­cape on and around the tab­le mountains is rich in histo­ry and con­stant­ly offers new natu­re experiences


Fif­teen spe­ci­al tab­le mountains

Despi­te the com­mon denomi­na­tors of the mountains, each mountain is uni­que. Sil­hou­et­te, natu­re and histo­ry dif­fer from mountain to mountain


What is it that is so unique?

A mountain range com­ple­tely ground down, flat mountains con­struc­ted like a cake and a rolling lands­cape that enchants


What is an Une­sco Glo­bal Geopark?

Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park has been given sta­tus as Swe­den’s first Une­sco Glo­bal Geo­park. This means that the tab­le mountain regi­on con­tains geo­lo­gi­cal sites and lands­ca­pes that are con­si­de­red uni­que and of inter­na­tio­nal impor­tan­ce. The­se sites tells about the con­nec­tion between our pla­net’s histo­ry and human deve­lop­ment in the area. So it’s not just about geo­lo­gy, sto­nes and rocks. It is also about high­ligh­ting the are­a’s natu­ral values, cul­tural heri­tage and intan­gib­le heritage.


A tra­vel through the lay­ers of the tab­le mountains

The rocks in the tab­le mountains are in lay­ers, much like a cake. But what is the dif­fe­rence between the­se rocks? How did they come into being and what have humans bene­fi­ted from them? Click to make a trip through the tab­le mountains and learn more.