The mis­sion of Väs­ter­göt­land Muse­um is to pre­ser­ve, look after and bring to life our cul­tural heri­tage for pre­sent and futu­re generations.

The idea behind the exhi­bi­tions and acti­vi­ti­es is to sti­mu­la­te inte­rest and ser­ve as a sour­ce of know­led­ge, as well as awa­king the curi­o­si­ty of visi­tors and making them think about local heritage.

Väs­ter­göt­land Muse­um is a mee­ting pla­ce and exhi­bi­tion spa­ce, but also hosts lectu­res, cour­ses and a vari­e­ty of events. The muse­um has an exten­si­ve archi­ve of ima­ges that remind us of our cul­tural heri­tage, as well as uni­que col­lec­tions of objects. The staff car­ry out archae­o­lo­gi­cal inve­sti­ga­tions and buil­ding con­ser­va­tion work.

The­re are three per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tions at Väs­ter­göt­land Muse­um: Medi­e­val Ska­ra, Between iceand fire and Agnes de Fru­me­rie. In addi­tion to the per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tions the­re is a rolling pro­gram­me throug­hout the year.

Clo­se to the main buil­ding is the Forn­byn open-air muse­um, which is also part of Väs­ter­göt­land Museum.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit:

Hit­ta Hit