At the bottom of the ravine is Offerkällan, a wellspring to which people used to travel from afar to benefit from its magical healing waters. For many, many years people have offered coins to the spring, which it supposedly swallowed.
Along the path in Jättadalen, you can see the two top layers of rock in the table mountains: clay shale and dolerite. Clay shale is a sedimentary rock formed from lithified clay sediment. Dolerite, which we find at the top of the ravine, is an igneous rock, which means that it was created from magma from beneath the Earth’s crust. Around 300 million years ago, magma forced its way up through fractures in the surrounding rocks. When the hot magma cooled and solidified as dolerite, it cracked, usually forming hexagonal columns, but also much longer fissures. This is what gave rise to the distinctive appearance of the mountain slopes, with their columns, crevices, caverns, and caves.
You can reach Jättadalen via the Billingen Trail which runs above the valley, but also from the parking lot down by Öglunda church.