The Bil­ling­en Trail is an approx­i­ma­tely 57 kilo­met­re long hiking trail that takes you right round Bil­ling­en pla­teau mountain.

It skirts along the flank, whe­re the­re are fan­tastic views, then con­ti­nues down onto the plain through fields and forests, and along the flo­wer rich chalk pla­teau in Berg.

There’s lots to see and disco­ver on the Bil­ling­en Trail. It takes you past lovely sights like the impres­si­ve dia­ba­se pil­lars at the Ryds caves, the beau­ti­ful Sil­ver­fal­let water­fall and the rolling country­si­de in Val­le­byg­den whe­re mas­ses of wild cher­ry tre­es blossom in spring. Visit Varn­hem abbey whi­le you’re the­re and have a dip in one of the small lakes near the trail.


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