The glo­bal goals, or Agen­da 2030 as they are cal­led, were cre­a­ted to end pover­ty and hung­er, achi­e­ve human rights for eve­ry­o­ne, achi­e­ve gen­der equa­li­ty and empo­wer all women and girls, and ensu­re a lasting and sustai­nab­le pro­tec­tion of the pla­net and its natu­ral resour­ces. Geo­parks con­tri­bu­te to the rea­li­sa­tion of the­se goals, and Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park can con­tri­bu­te by imple­men­ting the glo­bal goals on a local and regi­o­nal level. The glo­bal geo­park network has worked out a stra­te­gy for how geo­parks can work acti­vely with the glo­bal goals. 

For examp­le:

• Goal 11: Sustai­nab­le citi­es and com­mu­ni­ti­es (espe­ci­al­ly goal 11.4). The founda­tion for the geopark’s acti­vi­ti­es is to con­ser­ve, pro­tect, and dis­play natu­ral and cul­tural heri­ta­ges. UNE­SCO Glo­bal Geo­parks help to make peop­le proud of their local area and to strengthen the iden­ti­ty of an area.

• Goal 13: Cli­ma­te action (espe­ci­al­ly goal 13.3). All UNE­SCO Glo­bal Geo­parks con­tain sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly impor­tant sites which show us how the earth’s cli­ma­te has chang­ed, and which are also evi­dence of the ongo­ing cli­ma­te changes. Through educa­tion and dis­se­mi­na­tion of know­led­ge, geo­parks help to rai­se awa­re­ness and incre­a­se the understan­ding for how we can counte­ract and adapt to the changes in the earth’s climate. 

• Goal 16: Pea­ce­ful and inclu­si­ve soci­e­ti­es. UNE­SCO Glo­bal Geo­parks acti­vely work to pro­vi­de know­led­ge, both to the local popu­la­tion and to visi­tors. Geo­parks fun­c­tion as out­do­or class­rooms and incu­ba­tors for sustai­nab­le deve­lop­ment, sustai­nab­le life­sty­les, appre­ci­a­tion of cul­tural diver­si­ty, and pro­mo­tion of peace.

• Goal 17: Imple­men­ta­tion and glo­bal part­ners­hip (espe­ci­al­ly goals 17.6, 17.9, and 17.16). UNE­SCO Glo­bal Geo­parks is all about part­ners­hip and col­la­bo­ra­tion, not just between local par­ti­es, but inter­na­tio­nal­ly through regi­o­nal and glo­bal networks whe­re know­led­ge, ide­as, and expe­ri­ences are shared. 


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