The hig­hest point of Mös­se­berg is at 327 metres abo­ve sea level, and the mountain rises about 100 metres abo­ve the sur­rounding plain. The wes­tern part of Mös­se­berg is cal­led Väs­ter­ber­get and is sepa­ra­ted from the rest by a rift val­ley cal­led Vråhålan.

The city of Fal­kö­ping is situ­a­ted on Mösseberg’s eas­tern slo­pes and the mountain is an impor­tant out­do­or recre­a­tion area. The­re is a ski slo­pe here, as well as mountain bike cour­ses and jog­ging tracks. The look­out tower by the zoo offers a bre­ath­ta­king view of the tab­le mountain landscape.

Three points of inte­rest on Mösseberg


Mös­se­ber­g’s hillfort

Mös­se­ber­g’s viewpoint

Pics from Mösseberg