Hunne­berg has been a royal hun­ting ground sin­ce 1351, and the mountain has long been famous for its lar­ge elk popu­la­tion. The hig­hest point of Hun­ne­berg is at 155 metres abo­ve sea level. Hun­ne­berg con­si­sts of sand­sto­ne, alum sha­le, and dole­ri­te. The limesto­ne and clay sha­le lay­ers, usu­al­ly found in the tab­le mountains, are lac­king here. But the dole­ri­te lay­er is very thick, up to a max­i­mum of 60 metres. The dole­ri­te slo­pes give the mountain its cha­rac­te­ristic appea­ran­ce and favour a very spe­ci­al flo­ra and fauna.

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Three points of inte­rest on Hunneberg

Väst­ra Tun­he­m’s caves*

The Royal Hunt Muse­um — Elk Hill

Gyl­le­ne spiken*

Pics from Hunneberg