Erle­ben Sie der Tafelberglandschaft

Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park com­pri­ses the tab­le mountain lands­cape in Väs­ter­göt­land, with an area of 3690 km2. The geo­park is adja­cent to nine muni­ci­pa­li­ti­es, which means that the­re are good con­nec­tions here, regard­less of which direc­tion you come from or how you want to get here. 

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Troll­hät­tan & Vänersborg

Fast and easy! Whet­her you want to get here by car, bike, boat, fly, bus or take the train, it is easy to visit us. To Troll­hät­tan and Väners­borg, you can choo­se the mode of trans­por­ta­tion that suits you.

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Set between Sweden’s two lar­gest lakes, Ska­ra­borg is easy to get to. Sköv­de is only 1 hour from Gothen­burg by train and just over 2 hours from Stock­holm. From Sköv­de buses easily take you on to other local towns.

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Das Alle­mans­rät­ten

Alle­mans­rät­ten ist ein gäng­i­ger Begriff für das begren­z­te Recht jedes ein­zel­nen, sich in der Natur auf­zu­hal­ten. Aller­dings ist das Alle­mans­rät­ten von Geset­zen umge­ben, die die Gren­zen des­sen mar­ki­e­ren, was erlau­bt ist.

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Sehenswür­dig­kei­ten und Aktivitäten